You are what you eat!

If you keep up with me with any sort of regularity you will know by now that as of February 1st, 2011 my family and I have drastically changed our eating habits. No more processed foods. No more refined anything. No white sugar, flour, rice, potatoes. No more JUNK! We are also buying organic if it is an option and we're not really eating meat, only fish/shrimp.

I have to say that I feel great! Why it took us so long to figure this out, I don't know.

Bad foods make you feel bad. Good foods make you feel good. End of story.

Well, sort of. It's actually just the beginning because those good foods are good fuel for your body. You heal faster, have more energy, grow right, function right, and (I'm hoping to eventually lose that baby weight and) weigh right.

We have also started juicing. Can I just say, YUM! We juice a ridiculous amount of carrots each week and vary what we add to them daily. Kale, beets, oranges, apples, ginger, spinach, lettuce, celery... we juice it all. I have not been brave enough to juice an onion or a pepper yet and I think I'll probably just leave those to the hard core juicers.  My favorite combo so far was carrot, orange, beet, ginger. It was fantastic!

I really don't think this is a phase for us. A "well, that was fun, now where's the cake!?" season of our lives. I think this is for good. Healthy eating is here to stay. How could I go back to food I know is poisoning my body and mind?? I can't. I won't. By God's grace (and yes, I think God wants us to treat our bodies right, too) we will stick to this.
>shrugs shoulders<
Ya know, the thing is, it's not a hardship to do. It's a joy to eat all of these wonderful foods! For instance, may I present my dinner tonight:
Oh wait, that was William's dinner. Try again:
Yes! Doesn't that look good!? (And don't you feel bad for Will??) A baked sweet potato (NO SUGAR), a fillet of tilapia, and a still-crunchy-so-it-doesn't-lose-all-of-its-nutrients "salad" of kale, zuc, garlic and red pepper. Mmmm-mmm.

So, I hope you will be inspired to take on a similar journey toward healthy eating for a healthy life as you follow along with my organic, wild ride on the food coaster.
