Friday, March 4, 2011

Mommy Time

Can I just say that I LOVE spending time with other moms??! Well, I do.

Today I had coffee with a friend and her 6mo. It was refreshing to talk about our babies, doula-ing, natural foods and remedies, naps, etc... it makes me feel more sane, more normal and more blessed. Sometimes in the midst of the diapers and the naps and the messy bibs and food faces I can get lost in my own world, isolated from adults and the rest of "civilization". It's true that my life is not even remotely the same as it was B.C. (before children)... but that's not a bad thing. In fact, it's a really good thing! I love my little man's laugh and his smile and the way he loves me no matter what. I love that he doesn't care if I don't do my hair or if we don't clean the house, as a matter of fact, I think he'd rather I didn't do any of those things because that means I'm not playing with him!

Anyway, it's nice to be reminded that being a mom isn't such a bad gig. It's nice to "show off" my handsome Will-baby around town and to enjoy him and not just "manage" him. I feel so blessed to have been given my boy and I don't want to take that for granted. Isn't he the cutest?!!? :-)

So, to all of my friends that are baby-mommas... let's hang out! Let's celebrate and enjoy our children.

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