Monday, February 21, 2011

A first

So, this whole blogging thing is such a trend. Everybody has a blog. New moms are especially inclined to write a blog because somehow they feel that they need an "outlet" to speak to adults and they don't really care if anyone reads it, it's therapeutic anyway. They (and by "they" I mean "we" as I, too, am a new mom) want to chronicle their new life with baby so they have something to look back on, to remember. What ever happened to keeping a journal? Scrapbooking? Anyone?

The digital age is taking over and look at me! Even I am blogging right now. I almost feel silly. What if my computer crashes? What if all of my pictures are lost and the government regulates the internet and I can't access my "memories"?! And yet, here I am, blogging away like I've not got a care in the world.

Goal: Put all of my pictures on CDs so I can't lose them... wait, even CDs can mess up! So can hard drives! What happened to film?! >sigh<

Goal: PRINT all of my pictures so I have them on hand and put them in albums like the "old days".

See? The "old days" weren't so bad. Albums are great.

Anyway... I probably will still "blog", as it were, just for fun... sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the computer taking over! I fret and worry about losing my pictures. I still print every single picture I take, even if it's the 5 millionth picture of Ellie laying on the couch. I've got so many photo albums (Billy thinks I'm crazy), but I love having the albums to look at and remind myself of such sweet memories!
